...but lukewarm. BLECCCCHHHH... I know it's not a word, but the sound implied says it all. How can people willfully choose to associate themselves with individuals that are DRIVEN... and continue to stay only lukewarm and idle. They call themselves "a part of something" but they are noncontributory in their presence. It seems to me that would get really old really fast. This type of person just doesn't fit the old stereotype "birds of a feather". They choose to stay around the motivated, driven, passionate people and not become one. "...Why?... If you are not going to change your ways and get excited about....anything, really, then WHY do you stay?" Ever thought that about anyone?
Here is my theory. No one, I repeat, NO ONE enjoys being lukewarm, idle or stagnant. We all have potential for greatness. Those people that you have been thinking of while you read the preceding paragraph? You better show those people some love, because when their switch gets turned on they are going to outperform you like you would not believe. While you have been so concerned with their general lack of care and contribution, they have been watching and taking note of all the things NOT to do. They will succeed where you have failed. They will surpass you in the areas that you only thought that you excelled in. They will be in high gear, and you will be left right where you are, wondering what got a hold of them. I only came to this conclusion earlier this evening. I found myself wondering how and why people can choose to sit in neutral while surrounded by people constantly on the move. The kicker was that while stuck in contemplative frustration... I myself was in neutral. Why would these people finally choose to move if I continue to analyze the "whys" of their persistent neutrality and show them no encouragement to get on with it? Ever "stopped and thought"? Careful with that one. Some things you are just not meant to figure out, so don't get stagnant while trying to figure these people out.
Each one of us has a destiny. Each one of us has a divine purpose to fulfill in our allotted time here on earth. Just as you can not make Big Ben chime before the set time, you can not make a person "switch on" until it is their time. Everything happens when it is supposed to happen because it is all by design. That person that you have had in your mind this whole time (yes, don't deny it, you were thinking about someone that this applies to) WILL get in gear eventually. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is not to force things, but to encourage their growth, build them up, and equip them for the time that is coming. Accept this mission and their success will be your success. Seeing them move forward and become a driven, motivated, passionate contributor to something of great merit will do far more good for you than sitting here wondering why they can't get it together right now. Find that person, give them a good shot of encouragement, and continue moving forward blazing a trail... odds are, when you get tired they may just be the person that will end up right next to you helping you continue on.
my favorite one so far.