musings of a simple man in a complicated world

Saturday, September 3, 2011

For Eli…

For Eli…

What makes a man…  What speaks loudest about who a man, and sets his life apart from others?  It’s the way that he lives that life and the lives of others that he touches along the way.  In short, his LEGACY.
            Eli was a light in this world that can often seem dim.  “A breath of fresh air” as some have called him, called “best friend” by probably every friend he ever had, a brother, and a son.  He was a loving, genuine, caring young man that impacted all of our lives and countless others in many ways.  There is not time enough in the world for me to tell you how much he meant to me, or how much my girls loved him.  To try and fit it in here would do an injustice.  I have, however, heard so many stories about him lately that show his caring nature; some that show his “uniqueness”; and others that show his love of life, family and people.  But here’s the beautiful thing: although we all knew different facets of Eli, we all knew the SAME Eli, and you love him just as I do. 
            I met Eli and John when they were about 16.  My wife and I would pick them up for worship practice on Thursday nights.  These were some interesting drives.  This was when they exposed me to “Christian metal”.  The music would come on and both of them would close their eyes, play air guitar, drum the seats.. all the while, the singer would be screaming incomprehensible words and when I looked at them more than a little confused, they would say  with a big smile “isn’t it beautiful?” and tell me all about the lyrics.  I’m still a fan, and now I get the confused looks.  It has been a pleasure to watch them both grow, and to have developed a close personal relationship since then.  My daughter Lily would always ask John “where’s Eli?” and would ask Eli “where’s John?”.  She was always so concerned for them.  Once, Nichole asked Lily “who is your favorite, me or John?”  Her reply was an emphatic “ELI!”  You know she loves you all though!
            I also had the extreme pleasure to have worked alongside Eli in a few of the ministries in our church, Journey groups and the worship team.  I have heard it said that in ministry, the people that you work with will do more for you than you will for them.  In this case, I can tell you that is the truth.  Eli had a knack for bringing the best out of people, and he was a great encouragement to me personally.  He had a way of keeping me focused.  Sometimes we would be playing in a worship service and when I turned to give him a cue, I would see him behind the drums with his eyes closed, both drumsticks in one hand, and both hands raised in worship… He always kept the main thing the main thing.  A true worshipper.
            Ecclesiastes 12:1 says this: “1 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, 
before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them”—
Eli did just that.  Not only was he unashamed in his worship, but he was not afraid to talk about Jesus, he was not afraid to carry his bible, he was not afraid to pray for people in need, he was not afraid to tell people the words to some of his crazy music…and he was not afraid of what the future held for him.  He knew where he would be going.  He knew his heavenly Father’s voice, and that is what he heard calling him home.  This is not a cause for sadness, but for rejoicing!  We can rest assured that he heard those sweet words “well done, my good and faithful servant” because that is exactly what he was, and what he lived for. 
            Be encouraged!  Although we all mourn the loss of him here, Heaven is a richer place because of him, and we all know that he is dancing on streets of gold with his earbuds in, laughing with his fist in front of his mouth, and most importantly, he is in the presence of God.  Honor Eli’s memory by doing what he did best, and touch someone’s life.. pray for someone… worship God.  Psalms 62:8 says: Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
            In closing, I would like to say this.  Eli and I always had disagreements on what constituted a “dress shoe” and was appropriate for a Sunday morning service.  I’d show up in my shiny dress shoes and slacks, only to find him there in black “skinny jeans” and what I always called “those TOMS shoes”.  Ever the humanitarian, he would explain that for every pair you bought, they sent a pair to a child in need.. and that was all he had.  Well guess what Eli… You win. 

I’ll be seeing you little brother, and when I do… we’ll rock the house of houses.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

better late than never

Been a while since I updated this random collection of thoughts.  The winds of change are blowing full force around here these days.  Lost my job due to "downsizing to conform to the corporate model" and found out we are expecting another baby the day before that!  Normally, people would completely lose it at this point wondering what they are going to do now... I'm sure that I'm not the first to encounter this sort of painted into a corner situation.  Here's the funny thing though; I'm not worried at all.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

neither hot nor cold......yet.

...but lukewarm.  BLECCCCHHHH... I know it's not a word, but the sound implied says it all.  How can people willfully choose to associate themselves with individuals that are DRIVEN... and continue to stay only lukewarm and idle.  They call themselves "a part of something" but they are noncontributory in their presence.  It seems to me that would get really old really fast.  This type of person just doesn't fit the old stereotype "birds of a feather".  They choose to stay around the motivated, driven, passionate people and not become one.  "...Why?... If you are not going to change your ways and get excited about....anything, really, then WHY do you stay?"  Ever thought that about anyone?
    Here is my theory.  No one, I repeat, NO ONE enjoys being lukewarm, idle or stagnant.  We all have potential for greatness.  Those people that you have been thinking of while you read the preceding paragraph? You better show those people some love, because when their switch gets turned on they are going to outperform you like you would not believe.  While you have been so concerned with their general lack of care and contribution, they have been watching and taking note of all the things NOT to do.  They will succeed where you have failed.  They will surpass you in the areas that you only thought that you excelled in.  They will be in high gear, and you will be left right where you are, wondering what got a hold of them.  I only came to this conclusion earlier this evening.  I found myself wondering how and why people can choose to sit in neutral while surrounded by people constantly on the move.  The kicker was that while stuck in contemplative frustration... I myself was in neutral.  Why would these people finally choose to move if I continue to analyze the "whys" of their persistent neutrality and show them no encouragement to get on with it?  Ever "stopped and thought"? Careful with that one.  Some things you are just not meant to figure out, so don't get stagnant while trying to figure these people out.
   Each one of us has a destiny.  Each one of us has a divine purpose to fulfill in our allotted time here on earth.  Just as you can not make Big Ben chime before the set time, you can not make a person "switch on" until it is their time.  Everything happens when it is supposed to happen because it is all by design.  That person that you have had in your mind this whole time (yes, don't deny it, you were thinking about someone that this applies to) WILL get in gear eventually.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is not to force things, but to encourage  their growth, build them up, and equip them for the time that is coming.  Accept this mission and their success will be your success.  Seeing them move forward and become a driven, motivated, passionate contributor to something of great merit will do far more good for you than sitting here wondering why they can't get it together right now.  Find that person, give them a good shot of encouragement, and continue moving forward blazing a trail... odds are, when you get tired they may just be the person that will end up right next to you helping you continue on.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Sometimes the only thing that keeps you going is obligation.  It is during those times that your dedication is put to the test.  There is a difference between the two, but their relationship is obvious.. you persevere.  Obligation keeps you going when you don't want to but you know that you will let someone down if you quit.  There will be a gaping hole in the place YOU should have been, and it will affect everyone and everything around you.  The thing about an obligation is this; it is a promise, a word, a guarantee that you will be where you say you will be when you say you will be there doing what you said you would do.  It's like a contract of sorts with someone else, working towards a goal that may not even be your own.
Dedication is much the same, in that you show up and follow through... but now you're doing it because you want to.  You're doing it because you have a vision or a goal that you are determined to reach, no matter the cost.  Dedication means that it is personal.  The only contract, guarantee, promise that you have made is to yourself.  No one likes to let themselves down, so you are much more motivated to continue.  When your vision gets clouded, or someone comes along to rain on your parade it gets difficult.  Sometimes it can become so hard to continue pressing on that your dedication becomes obligation.  Vision-killers, nay-sayers, people trying to buck the system... no matter how dedicated you are these people will have some sort of impact on what you are trying to accomplish.  A true leader and visionary will persevere through these times, maybe a little beat up or worse for wear.  With the vision clouded, obligation steps in and it can become just a task.  THIS IS A TEST.  I REPEAT, THIS IS ONLY A TEST... Dedication is refreshed in these times of operating under obligation.  The obligation gets you through the rough time, and when the storm passes you find that your dedication is twice as strong, and the vision remains.  That being said, my unbalanced equation in the title makes sense now.  Knowing that you made it through the tough times when it was "just a job", you stuck it out and had the tenacity to persevere when everything was against your success should MOTIVATE you.  That's the mark of a leader..when you stay determined, stay motivated, even when it feels like an obligation.

This made more sense in my head I think.. but you get the picture.

Monday, April 4, 2011

useless posting

Not much good to say today.  I could whine about how hard school is.  I could whine about how all I do is work.  I could whine about being late on my homework.  I could whine about not having anything good to say.  I could whine about having to listen to you whine about every sentence started so far begins with "I". I could.. but I won't.  

I just finished this:

I thought it was fitting for a project done entirely on the due date.  No matter what I do I can not seem to devote the kind of time to school that needs to be.  Family, work, church, school, etc...  Summer is around the corner though.  Even though I feel like a chump for only being able to take two classes at a time each semester, I am operating at my capacity right now.  For all the work being done, you'd think there would be more work being done though!  

Thursday, March 31, 2011

pieces to a puzzle...

Ever read Revelation?  Ever think about how it will all go down?  Watching one crisis after another unfold in every part of the world, I couldn't help but think about the future.  Jesus said this about the future: (quoted from NIV) Matthew chapter 24:1-51
1 Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.
 3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
 4 Jesus answered: Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
   9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
   15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.
   22 “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
   26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.
   29 “Immediately after the distress of those days
   “‘the sun will be darkened,
   and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
   and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’[b]

   30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth[c] will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.[d] 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
   32 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[e] is near, right at the door. 34 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
The Day and Hour Unknown
    36But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
   42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
   45 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? 46 It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. 47 Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 48 But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, ‘My master is staying away a long time,’ 49 and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. 50 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51 He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

So again, I ask... have you ever thought about any of this?  Just like the fig tree's budding branches, these things seem to be unfolding right before our eyes.  I'm not trying to provoke fear or unrest, both are unwarranted because as Jesus said (above) all of this MUST happen before the end.  The only real question is are you ready if it were to happen right now?  I have been in the circles that most would call "conspiracy theorists" for many years now, and do believe that there are hidden powers at work behind the scenes, but I balance everything that I read against the bible.  I know that a rebellion is pointless even it was successful... in some form or another, it would only coincide with the plans already in place and the events already foretold.  There are good things that come from the same sources though.  Things like what is put in our tapwater, what goes into all the vaccines and their (super fine print) potential side-effects.  I believe that being educated is a good thing, but there is an overwhelming amount of fearmongering out there as well.  Balance is key. 
   I had a dream years ago that I can remember quite vividly to this very day.  The emotional impact of it was so terrifyingly real that it is tatooed on my soul forever.  In this dream, I was on a beach littered with broken concrete and reebar.  It looked like a warzone, with broken buildings and rubble strewn everywhere.  I was looking for someone or something, alone but not alone... there were people around, but none I knew.  All of a sudden, a great and terrible noise like nothing I had ever heard before broke the eerie silence.  It sounded like thunder, cymbals crashing, trumpets blasting, bass that took my breath away, and mountains moving all at once.  Instinctively, I looked up to the sky.  The clouds had parted and I saw something I don't quite know how to describe.. it was like a chariot being pulled by griffin-like creatures with wings on fire (not scriptural I'm sure, but I have quite the imagination I guess).  I knew exactly who it was and fell on the ground...crying uncontrollably, knowing, just KNOWING that I had waited too long to change and that I had failed in the one thing I was put on this earth for.  That feeling was so overwhelming... I should have been happy.  I should have been rejoicing.  But I wasn't.  I remember thinking that this was the VERY END, and that I had missed the boat.  I woke up from that dream in a cold sweat and with tears in my eyes.  At the time, I was very far from God.  A dream like that will surely make you reconsider your choices, actions, words.. a dream like that would even make a non-believer question wether they haven't just been wrong all along.  I really believe that God was showing me something in my dream, wether figurative or literal... I had to change, and I have to keep changing and growing.  I do not want to miss the boat. 
   I want to grow old.  I want to see my children grow up and be successful and happy.  I want to be a grandpa like the ones I have been blessed to have.  I plan on that happening, but in the back of my mind I am and will strive to always be ready if Jesus decides to come back in my lifetime.  There have always been those on streetcorners shouting about doomsday, it seems that they are a part of every generation.  I believe they are there to keep us thinking, to keep us looking up, and to keep the thought fresh in our minds that it could happen any day.  It's not something that I am afraid of but rather, something I should be prepared for.    
   In this age where there is so much unrest and so little faith in big government, chaos and anarchy are on the rise.  Protect yourself and your family physically, but be sure and protect yourself and your family spiritually as well.  To those that believe different than I do:  I sincerely hope that you reconsider and do not have to feel what I felt in that dream.  I don't say that to "force my 'religion' on you" as the world is so fond of saying to Christians.. I only offer a simple truth in the dark and tumultuous days that we live in, and will continue to try and share that truth until my dying OR last breath on this earth.   

Saturday, March 26, 2011

work work work work work

Sometimes it seems like all I do is work.  I know there is a payoff somewhere down the road, but it sure is a long road.  I think I'm going to initiate a change in my schedule.  All of the things that don't really matter are going to be cut out so that I have more time for the things that do.  Starting Monday, you'll be seeing a lot less of me on the "social networks", I'm going to get back into getting up early and doing P90x, and I'm going to study more.  Since Michelle's birthday I have been feeling a little old.  She's not even 30 yet!  I feel like I've already let so much time go by, and a lot of that time was spent foolishly.  The founder of IKEA lives by the 10 minute rule.  He lives each day in ten minute increments, trying to invest as much as he can in each interval.  This means trimming the fat from the day.  The fat is the activities and actions that do not contribute to your healthy life such as TV, FACEBOOK, internet, etc.  I'm going to start trying to invest more in the time that God has given me.  You just don't know how much you have!  As a man, it is my lot in life to work.  There's no way around that, but the extra time I have is going to be spent a little more wisely from here on out.  If you catch me wasting time point me in the direction of this post for a refresher.  Time..... why would anyone really want to waste it?  In the end, all we have is time.  God gave us a specific number of days to spend on this earth, so live each minute of every one of them  for what they are; a precious gift not to be squandered or taken lightly.  Lord, have mercy on me for wasting so much time.
   That being said, I would not take back ANY of the things from my past.  It's those things, those moments, those decisions that helped to shape the person I am today.  It was a rough road filled with many trials, heartbreaks, setbacks and consequences, but each and every one left a lasting impact on my character.  God used those ugly things for good, taught me lessons and built me up like a phoenix repeatedly rising from the ashes to be something new.  I have a wonderful life, a beautiful wife, two amazing daughters and the best family and friends a person could ever wish for.  Proof that God really does make all things work together for the good of those who love Him.
                                    Now to get everything.... and time to GET TO WORK.

Friday, March 25, 2011

MVP (Men of Vision and Purpose)

This is for a class I'm teaching at church this Saturday morning at MVP.  Just thought I'd share.  It is MY blog, after all!


Ephesians 6:12 (New Living Translation)

12 For we[a] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
There is a battle going on every day in your workplace.  It is a battle of epic proportions, fought in plain sight, but very often overlooked.  This is the battle for your good name, your integrity, your character and your testimony.  Men of vision and purpose will see the hidden strategies of the enemy and combat them.  The fiery darts thrown at you in this environment most always come at you in subtle ways, but they are relentless and you must always have your guard up.  Even Jesus was tempted, so you are NO exception! Be vigilant in your daily walk at work. This is how.

I.                   The battle that goes on every day in the workplace is fought over your:

A.)  Accountability
-Most of us don’t work together outside of the church, so you are “on your own” a lot of the time and must remember how we have been discipled and taught. You probably don’t work with your wife either… so..
-Things will happen, “situations” will arise.. often disguised as “opportunity” or fun
-Know when to call somebody.  Don’t expect to be able to handle every situation on your own.  Some situations can’t be.  Stand up for yourself, but don’t be a hero.
-Know WHO to call.  An accountability partner can’t be just anyone.  It has to be someone that you can be open with, vulnerable in front of, and someone that you trust.  Be careful when picking this person, or call your leader!
B.)   Character (Galatians 5:22-23)
- Probably the MOST tested attribute of the MVP in the workplace. 
-Work is stressful.  Work is not fun sometimes.  Work can be your biggest challenge some weeks.  Stress brings out the worst in all of us.  I don’t care what they say about working well under pressure… Fire brings out impurities, stress brings out character flaws.
-Character is the easiest trait to lose points on in the world’s eyes.  They’re already looking at you differently, expecting you to react differently, waiting for you to contradict yourself by your actions.  All it takes is one slip-up when you get mad to tarnish your character.  Trials are good though, as long as there is some self-evaluation going on behind the scenes.
-Work is where the pressures of life show in you the most.  It can certainly be the “Fire” that causes those impurities to show.  It’s easy to leave work problems at work when you go home… but almost impossible to leave home problems at home when at work.  Compounded by stress, these have a tendency to bring out your ugly side!

C.)   Testimony. 
-It only means something if you are LIVING IT.  If no one can see
                        what sets you apart, or makes you different then you are doing it wrong!
a.) everywhere you go, everything you do and say, should reflect the miraculous thing that God has done in your life.  This includes everything.  There is nothing that is outside the changes God has made in you, and your life should be the evidence.
-Your testimony is a gift to you from God, the personal storyline of the      relationship between you and Him.  You need to LOVE IT.
            a.) Revelation 12:11 says that it helps to defeat the enemy!
b.) Love to tell the story!  You and I should be overjoyed that we have been redeemed, snatched out of the clutches of Satan by a God that loves us.
-PROTECT IT.  Don’t let situations, actions, words, people, or yourself (!) cast a shadow of doubt on your testimony.  It is a powerful tool you have against the enemy, and for evangelism
            a.) back to accountability
            b.) stay out of the “no-fly zone”
            c.)  PRAY without ceasing
            d.)  READ consistently
            e.)  attend church (people talk, you know)
-Testimonies by definition are made for sharing, so SHARE IT! 
a.)  take every opportunity to let someone know what has been done for you so that they know what Jesus can do for THEM.
b.)  don’t discount your testimony because you think it’s “nothing special”.  You can connect with people I can’t and vice-versa.
c.)  Don’t bogart Jesus!
II  MVP Leads in the Workplace
            The men of MVP are different. We are a rare breed. In this era of power-hungy, jet-set, corporate ladder climbing, motivated go-getters making their way to the top there are far too few that maintain Godly and biblical principles and set a good wholesome example for the next generation.  That’s where we diverge from the norm.  We lead the way Jesus led.

A.)  through INTEGRITY. You do the right thing even when you think no one is around to see it. 
-MAINTAIN IT.  In order to maintain your integrity, you must be in constant communication with God, and hiding his words in your heart so that it comes naturally.  Walk away from questionable situations or environments.  Sometimes it’s just not worth it to stay and fight. 
-As MVP, we are plugged in.  We are present and visible.  We are devoting ourselves to God
-Follow the rules! (2 Cor. 8:21)
-be a man of your word and be known for it (Prov. 16:7)
-respect.  Give it where it’s due, and it will come back to you.
-SHOW IT.  Let people know where you stand… and STAND THERE!  If you waver in this, you have lost something that is very hard to rebuild.  If the integrity (solidity) of a vehicle’s frame is compromised it becomes weak.  It can be straightened using the proper tools but, unless reinforced, will fail again.  It’s ok if you have compromised your integrity, you just have to redouble your efforts to build it again. As MVP, we show our integrity through our actions.  We stand apart from people at work and they notice something different about us!
-PROTECT IT  We are accountable to and hold each other in high regard.  We have a calling on our lives, vision for our future, and disciples to make.. Hold tight to your integrity so that NOTHING comes between you and what God has designed you to be.  Remember, you are different so they are watching you!

B.)   MVP leads through VALUES.
Our values line up with the word of God
Our values line up with our Founders
Our values line up with our Pastors
Our values line up with our leaders
All of the areas that we have covered are highly visible traits that someone can see in you just by watching you.  Your values, however, are tested through your responses to different stimuli.  It could be a dirty joke, a “hey, look at that girl over there”, a “no one is looking, let’s take some, they’ll never miss it” 
      Let them know!
      Let them show!
-          We value things that the world does not.  Things like:
o       Our marriage/singleness
o       Our family
o       Our church (“no, I can not work on Sundays!”)
o       Our leadership.. Yes, you must respect your boss
o       Hard work.
-          We uphold our values in the face of temptation (examples)
-          We uphold our values when others do not share them
-          We uphold our values when others do not respect them.
-          Never let them slip, they are the very CORE of the Christian man in the secular workplace.  HOLD FAST.
If you are not in tune with God and you are not united with your leaders, pastors and founders, your values could waver or falter under pressure.  KNOW the cloth you are cut from.
                        As men of vision and purpose, we are called to the task of living out our testimony, setting an example for other men to follow, and staying in tune with God and our pastors in a way that SHOWS in everything that we do.
-we are men of vision.  This means that we are seeking out God’s will for our lives and walking in our calling.  We know who we are in Christ and are undeterred, unrelenting, indomitable and unstoppable in our pursuit of His will for our lives.
- We are men of purpose.  Everything action is dedicated to a forward progress.  Nothing is left to chance or whim.  We are CALLED AND CHOSEN by God Himself, and take heart in the fact that He has created us for a time such as this; a day and age where men are wishy-washy, lukewarm, task-oriented, obsessed with worldly things, being tossed to and fro by the whims of the world. 

Men of Vision and Purpose are men after God’s own heart.  
The battle in the workplace is a very real one, and there are often casualties. Dead values, dead integrity, dead testimonies.  To win this war, you must remain vigilant.  You must guard your heart, because that is where all of these things originate.  If you look back at the beginning, you’ll notice an acronym: ACTIVE.  To win any fight you can not stand still.  You must remain active.  Constantly plugged in, constantly praying and reading, constantly upholding the things in your heart that make you a man of vision and purpose.

Harder than it looks...

I thought I'd be able to keep up with a blog.  It's simple, right?  Just like a journal.  Well, I never was any good at keeping journals.  I think the longest journal I ever kept was during my stay at a rehab facility.  I wasn't too keen on AA's ideas concerning the source of my power to change.  I knew that 12 steps were not enough to keep me going in the right direction, and that I have GOD, not a "higher power".  In that journal, I wrote letters to God every day.  I told Him about my failings, my shortcomings, my hangups and my hurts. It's easy to write when you can just bear it all without fear of rejection, humiliation or rebuttal.  God is a good listener huh.  I'm going to treat this blog in the same way, and just start writing things.  Who knows what will come out?  Especially since you can't do anything about it!  Ha, I kid.  Maybe I'll find a good entry from my old journal and share it.  Not many people know what I went through, or how messed up my thinking was during that time in my life.  Even I have to wonder sometimes.  Looking back, I feel so grown up now.  If I find something in there worth sharing, I'll share it... but for now, let us speak of new things.  After all, I am a new creation.  Let the blogging begin.

Friday, February 18, 2011

quitting time

What is it that keeps some people going past the place where others call it quits?  Is it drive?  Determination?  Willpower?  "Guts"?  Lately I have had an image stuck in my head regarding this question.  I am standing at a crossroads.  One of the old fashioned ones like you see in old movies with two dirt roads intersecting in an open field.  There is a wooden stake with arrows pointing in both directions, but only one has any markings on it.  It simply reads "reason".  I can tell by looking at the track leading in that direction that most of my fellow sojourners have heeded its gentle prodding and gone that way.  At first, I can't  say that I blame them.  The road is wide, flat, safe and with promise of shade somewhere not too far up.  However, as I look down the road marked by "reason", I get the feeling that I have been there before.  Something inside tells me that along the way I would probably find the wreckages I have left on that road in the past.  It looks different this time, as it always does.  It looks safer, more comfortable and even possibly more fun than the last time... but it always ends in varying degrees of the same kind of awful disappointment
.        Looking forward, I am greeted with a much more rugged scene.  The road becomes a simple dusty path overrun by weeds.  It is obvious that very few people choose this way, but still, there are enough to keep the path established.  Further on, the track leads through a forest and then up to a mountain.  This is the point at which people begin to "reason" with themselves, making up any excuse to take the easy way.  They tell themselves they can't do it, that it's just too hard, It's just too much work, It's not FOR anything, or it's just not enough fun.
       I stand at that crossroads and think to myself "why?"  WHY would anyone choose the road most traveled when they already know EXACTLY where it will lead?  If, even IF they are fortunate enough to survive the trip down that road again with minimal losses, it only leads right back to here.  The choice will be presented again and again until the right one is made.  So now we have come full circle... What is it that keeps some people going past the place where others call it quits?  Is it drive, determination, willpower or guts?  No.  It is, quite simply, a choice.  We all have the power to make that choice.  No matter how great or small your personal bank of determination of willpower, all it takes is the tiniest amount of faith to keep you moving forward.  Faith that the reward is waiting for you over the mountain and through the woods.  Faith that you will be given the strength to see it through to the end.  Faith that you are doing this for a reason, even if it seems like the task is too great.  As hard as it is to continue pressing forward, the long term rewards outweigh the short term comforts significantly.
      I am writing this from a spiritual perspective, but this is applicable to every situation and every tough decision you may ever have to make.  It could be physical challenges like an IronMan triathlon, moral challenges, emotional challenges, or even personal challenges such as changing deeply ingrained habits.  It all comes down to the choice that you make when you come to that crossroads.  Choose the easy way and you will undoubtedly be right back here again.
     I press on.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the beginning..

...My Mom always said that I was a writer.  My wife says I should start a blog.  I'm going to give it a shot and see what comes of it.  I guess blogging is a little like Facebook, in that you get to write about any nonsense you feel like writing about, just on a "lonelier" level.  Who knows if anyone is even reading it?  Good and bad I suppose, but I'll try and limit the nonsense to the social network and keep it off of here.
...This is more of an experiment than anything else.  When I was young I always wondered why "old" people were so opinionated, and why they felt the need to bore everyone else in the world with their views.  Now that I'm older I find myself more inclined to talk about things in great detail that could quite possibly have bored a younger me to tears.  Now I have a place to put those things so that you can be bored to tears as well.  I have no predetermined course for this blog, and no thematic limitations.  It will be whatever it will be, piloted by my imaginations and focused ramblings.
...Let's see where this thing goes.